Everyone. Everywhere.

Make Disciples

"When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die."
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

About the Network


The Discipleship Network is a vibrant global community, bound together by a common purpose: to fulfill the Great Commission. Our diverse members hail from various corners of the world and bring their unique backgrounds to the table. What unites us is our unwavering commitment to aiding others in their spiritual journey and nurturing their faith. It doesn't matter where you are on the map; you're welcome to join our endeavor of disciple-making and sharing the profound teachings of Jesus. Together, we are leaving a profound impact on our world, one disciple at a time.


The Discipleship Network is dedicated to the mission of bringing simple discipleship to individuals who may not currently have the opportunity to be part of a local church community. Our approach centers on the principles of hospitality, mercy, and justice. Through these core values, we seek to extend the hand of fellowship to those who seek spiritual growth and a deeper connection with their faith. By practicing hospitality, showing mercy, and championing justice, we aim to create a nurturing environment where individuals from all walks of life can experience the transformative power of discipleship.

The Multiplication Network

The Multiplication Network is a dedicated group of disciplemakers who are passionate about sharing the teachings of Jesus with those seeking a deeper connection to their faith. At the heart of our mission is the Zume curriculum, a powerful tool for discipleship that equips our team to engage with individuals eager to explore the path of following Jesus. Through ZUME, we provide accessible and impactful resources, making it easier for people to grow in their faith journey. Our commitment to fostering spiritual growth and transformation extends to individuals not only in Africa but also around the world.